Profile Details

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Company Name Help-Doctor (Presenter)
Main Business Telemedicine, AAL
CEO Robert T. Brunner
Country / Time Zone Germany /
Business Address  Augsburg Gratzmüllerstr. 5
Type of Participation Startups
A New Enterprise with Innovative Technology
Person in Charge Name Robert T. Brunner Department Help-Doctor i.G.
Attachment BIMPRESS_ppt_HelpDoctorDE2105ENG.pdf  
Company Profile BIMPRESS_HelpDoctors_Onepager_HD2105eng.pdf  
Organization Description Help-Doctor is offering 24-hour access to specialists - doctors and nurses - as 24-hour access to healthcare & patient and waiting room management of doctors' practices for clinics & doctors' offices, also Smartphone-App or PC, e.g. for elderly people in AAL or people living on rural counties.
Partnering purpose Joint Research Joint partnership
Business Promotion
Technology Cooperation